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Growing In Community


Don’t Do It Alone

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Don’t swim alone. Don’t hike alone. You know those rules. But then why do we try to do life alone? Life is far much harder and more unpredictable to be navigated alone.

But by relying on the guidance of mentors, friends, family members, or other trusted sources, we can minimize many of the risks associated with tackling life’s challenges on our own.

Not only can these individuals provide us with wisdom and knowledge that we wouldn’t otherwise have access to, but they can also be our cheerleaders and provide much-needed moral support.

Always remember that you are not alone, so don’t try to do life alone – get help from those around you!

Learn from One Another

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Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Collaborating with another person or working as a team offers many advantages. Through competition and constructive feedback, you can be pushed to strive for greater improvement while also being held accountable for mistakes and mishaps.

This is why having a mentor, coach, or both are so beneficial. These masters provide guidance and support, enabling you to reach your full potential. Professional athletes understand this, which is why they always have a coach.

Support One Another

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Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Gathering together in groups with individuals facing similar issues can be incredibly beneficial, providing support and comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Whether they’re referred to as life groups, community groups, small groups, or accountability groups, the goal of these meetings is to help each other overcome obstacles with the addition of additional opinions, advice, and encouragement.

These groups can also be a great way of creating meaningful connections and lasting friendships that can help you get through the tough times ahead.

The Wisdom of Community

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Fathers have a one-of-a-kind opportunity in helping their sons to understand the importance of community.

It’s not just about competing on sports teams and striving to win, but rather it’s about coming together and supporting one another through life’s everyday trials.

Fathers should strive to be role models in this respect, demonstrating the value of sharing stories and life experiences with others. It is through this event that sons will gain the support they need to win in life.      

Fathers should also be wary of teaching their sons to depend solely on themselves or becoming too proud or selfish in the face of success. Encouraging them to have humility and learn from the wisdom of others is key to fostering a sense of community.

Doing so will provide them with the tools and resources to build relationships that will last a lifetime.  This, in turn, will help keep them grounded in their journey through life.

By teaching your son an invaluable lesson about the importance of community, you can be assured he has the support and knowledge he needs to succeed.


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In this article, we have discussed how It is important to recognize that life can be difficult and unpredictable and should not be navigated alone.

Having support from mentors, friends, family members, and other trusted sources can provide guidance, wisdom, and moral support.

Working with others through collaboration or teamwork brings many advantages such as constructive feedback and accountability.

Having a group of people facing similar issues can be very beneficial in providing comfort and support.

Fathers also have a unique role in teaching sons how to build meaningful relationships and foster a sense of community, which will help them succeed throughout their life journey.

Ultimately, it is essential to remember that no matter what the challenges ahead may be, you are never alone and you have a whole community to help you.

If you liked this article and want more parenting advice, resources, and reminders, sign up for Trailmap for Life below to get FREE materials on family and parenting.

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