
Mom teaching her children some life lesson

Life Skills For Teens


There is an absurd amount of content online all drawing from our attention 24/7 and it can be highly overwhelming to process it and be intentional in our lives for growth.

With social media exponentially growing, we need to be grounded and see the full picture before blindly walking without knowing where we are going.

Whether you are a teenager, a parent of a teenager, or connected to a teenager, I want you to focus on what you are about to read as it will give you a deeper understanding of what a teen needs to learn.

There are life skills that aren’t taught in schools that if left unlearned may have massive consequences.

A skilled outdoorsman would never go on a journey without a map. So we created this map (article) to give teens a starting point on some of the most important areas of life, along with practical tips on how parents can help.

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Why Are Life Skills Important For Youth?

Life skills are super important for young people because it helps them prepare for adult life early rather than figuring it out on accident later in life.

By learning these skills, young people become more independent, confident, and responsible which will impact every area of life as it is easier and more well-balanced.

Although we may recognize the significance of learning life skills, sometimes we let it slip by not being intentional about it.

The Teenage Stage Of Life

Teens are starting to learn to navigate the complexities of the world around them a lot quicker than older generations. Combine that with the world rapidly changing, teens can often struggle with issues like identity, peer pressure, and academic stress, at an early age.

As a parent, it can be challenging to understand and communicate with your teenage child during this period. 

It’s important to remember that you are going through changes and may not always be able to articulate feelings or needs effectively. 

You need to provide support and guidance while giving your teens the space and independence to grow and explore.

Throughout their life, we can provide invaluable support by teaching them things that will not only help them succeed in life and prevent highly damaging life events.

One area of life can have a significant impact on the other areas, so we must equip them to give them a better future.

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How To Teach Teens Life Skills

If you are a teenager, the most important thing I want you to get out of this entire article is if you desire to learn, you will succeed in life.

Think of a hobby you had when you first started. You may not have been good at the beginning but you learned and improved.

Now, apply that in any area of your life. Each life skill we learn takes practice.

If you learn the wrong thing and repeat it, then you will see bad results. On the other side, if you learn the right things and build on them, you will have a strong foundation.

Think of people you look up to and also people you see making big mistakes in their lives.

How did they get there? What paths did they choose?

Let that sink in for a moment.

5, 10, 20, 30 years from now we will be in a place based on the choices that we have made every single day.

So where do you want to be in the future?

What do your lives look like?

As a parent, you must help your teen see this and WANT to learn rather than force it on them.

If you push something they don’t want to do, you won’t make it far.

Here are a few ways you can learn life skills.

  1. Activities you enjoy
  2. Programs and reflecting on real-life experiences.

This helps you see the value by seeing the relevance in your daily lives.

Parents, as you see your teen grow make sure you recognize and celebrate their efforts and progress. 

List Of Life Skills For Teens

Here is a short list of life skills that teens are looking to learn.

Financial Literacy

Financial skills help teens manage money, save for the future, and understand budgeting. Many of life challenges are connected to finances and if you ask a random teen, most will say they want more money and know how to manage it better.


Want to have better relationships? If you are a good communicator, you will have better relationships because you will reach the other person. This involves learning body language, listening, understanding, and communicating your thoughts in a way that they can understand and receive what you are saying that doesn’t make them feel hurt or attacked.

Time Management

If you learn to prioritize, you learn time management. Take what is most important and block times to accomplish that first, then put the lesser important choices after that. This will boost your confidence because you know you are accomplishing things that matter most to your goals.

Solve Problems

Problem-solving teaches teens to tackle challenges logically and creatively. Start by clearly defining the problem(s) and then find ways to approach solving that problem. Think of a ship that is sinking. You can’t continue to float until you plug the hole and remove the water. You may know that you have a hole in your ship, but your job is to find it and figure out how to plug it.

Decision Making

How do we make wise decisions? We must weigh our options and understand the consequences. Does it align with our goals and values? Does it bring life to me?

Employment Skills

Employment skills for teens include creating a resume, preparing for interviews, and understanding workplace etiquette. It’s about developing a strong work ethic and teamwork abilities.


Everyone loves a good chef. Learning to cook new dishes helps you have more independence and healthy habits. Cooking skills for teens involve learning basic recipes, kitchen safety, and nutrition.

Household Skills

Household skills for teens cover cleaning, organizing, and basic home maintenance. It’s about taking responsibility for their living space.

Vehicle Maintainance

For teens with a vehicle, maintenance skills include understanding basic car care, like checking oil and tire pressure. It’s about keeping their vehicle safe and reliable.

Cooperation Skills

Cooperation skills teach teens to work effectively in teams, whether in school or social settings. Life and work will become a lot better as you learn to cooperate with others and work towards a common cause.

Coping With Emotions

Coping with emotions isn’t taught too often. When things get overwhelming, what is coming out of you? How do you combat the anxiety, worry, fear, and pressures of life? Think of what is being fed to you through your family, friends, media, and your spare time. Are you being fed or feeding yourself life-giving things? Whatever your cup is filled with will overflow when life gets tough. So think of what you can do to fill your cup with life!

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is about analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and making logical judgments, even when you may be emotionally leaning towards a direction. This helps you make more informed decisions and have better outcomes.


Not many people like to do laundry but it is part of life! Laundry skills for teens involve learning to wash, dry, and fold clothes properly. This is great for learning independence.


Have you ever gotten set back? You have 2 choices. You can give up or move forward even if it is one step. The choice is yours. Every time you do this you will make next time easier when life hits you.

Setting Goals

It’s hard to find treasure if you don’t have a treasure map. By learning to set goals and be able to plan how you will reach them, it makes your dreams achievable.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Cleanliness and hygiene are essential for teens, encompassing personal grooming and maintaining a clean environment. It’s vital for health and self-esteem and helps you have order in your life.

Social Skills

There are so many ways to connect nowadays yet teens are feeling more lonely than ever. How do you reverse that? By teaching social skills and learning how to interact with the world around you. Embrace human interaction as much as possible over technology and watch your social skills grow quickly.

Peer Pressure

Understanding peer pressure helps teens recognize its impact and make choices that reflect their values. It’s about standing up for themselves and avoiding negative influences.

Social Media Usage

Last but not least is knowing how to have a healthy relationship with social media. While it can be incredibly useful, it can be damaging in a major way. Learning how to have a healthy relationship needs to be learned ASAP as it is so easy to get trapped with many of its paths.

Teen Family Life

Family is the cornerstone of a teenager’s life, and a loving strong family will allow a person to flourish.

Think about it, if you are in an environment where you feel accepted, wanted, and heard, it is drastically easier to communicate.

Many of our habits, mannerisms, and self-value come from how we interact with our family whether overtly learned or covertly learned.

Here are some life skills that teens need to cultivate for healthy family relationships:

  • Communication: Effective communication is key to building strong family relationships. As parents, you can model healthy communication and encourage your teens to express their thoughts and feelings openly and respectfully.
  • Empathy: Empathy is an essential life skill that helps teens understand and connect with others. You can encourage your teens to practice empathy by putting themselves in other people’s shoes and considering their perspectives.
  • Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one’s actions can help teens build trust and respect with family members. You can teach them to develop a sense of responsibility by giving them age-appropriate chores and tasks.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflict is a natural part of family life, and developing conflict resolution skills can help teens resolve disagreements healthily and constructively. As conflict comes up, think of how it can be resolved and handled in the future. Teach them to understand other people’s perspectives, and how to work together to find solutions.

Family life has a direct impact on how you treat peers and your decisions.

Succeeding at School For Teens

School plays a significant role in shaping your future, and developing certain life skills can enhance the trajectory of your life.

Here are some tips to help a teen navigate school.

  • Time Management: Teens need to learn how to prioritize their tasks and manage their time efficiently. Parents, you can help by teaching your teens how to create a study schedule and breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Study Skills: Effective study habits are crucial for academic success. You can assist them by teaching them how to take notes, summarize information, and study effectively for exams.
  • Goal-Setting: Encouraging teens to set academic goals and track their progress can motivate them to strive for success. You can help your teens set realistic and achievable goals and provide support and guidance along the way.
  • Problem-Solving: Developing problem-solving skills can help teens tackle academic challenges and overcome obstacles. Parents, you can encourage your teens to think critically and creatively and to seek out help when needed.

Kids can easily be impacted by school either positively or negatively. It is best to teach them how to navigate things like best digital media practices so they know how to make wise choices.

Best Digital Media Practices

Digital media is an integral part of modern life, and teens need to develop healthy habits when it comes to technology use.

Here are some life skills that can help teens navigate the digital world responsibly:

  • Digital Literacy: Understanding how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly is crucial for teens. Parents, you can help your teens develop digital literacy skills by teaching them how to identify and avoid online risks, such as cyberbullying and identity theft.
  • Self-Control: Technology can be addictive, and developing self-control is an essential life skill for teens. You can encourage your teens to set boundaries for technology use and practice mindfulness techniques to reduce the negative impact of technology on mental health.
  • Online Reputation Management: The internet has a long memory, and teens must understand the potential consequences of their online actions. Parents, please show them how to develop responsible online behavior and how to manage their online reputation.
  • Safety, Privacy, and Security: The internet is full of dangers so you must protect yourself and your family from things that shouldn’t be viewed. Protecting personal information and data is also essential in the digital age. Protect them at all costs and make sure they understand the importance of safety, privacy, and security.

The internet can influence them because they will see what celebrities and athletes do including drinking and drugs. 

Handling these topics with care can be tough because you don’t want to push them away yet they may think it is ok if they see others doing it.

How To Handle Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol and drug use can have serious consequences for teens, and it’s crucial to educate your teens about the risks associated with substance abuse.

Here are some life skills that can help teens make informed and responsible decisions about alcohol and drugs:

  • Understanding Consequences: Teens need to understand the short and long-term consequences of drug and alcohol use. Teach them the risks associated with substance abuse and help them develop strategies to resist peer pressure.
  • Communication Skills: Open communication is crucial when it comes to addressing substance abuse issues. Create a safe and non-judgmental environment for your teens to discuss any concerns they may have about alcohol or drug use.
  • Coping Strategies: Many teens turn to alcohol and drugs as a way to cope with stress and emotional difficulties. Develop healthy coping strategies, such as exercise, prayer, and creative outlets, to manage stress and negative emotions.
  • Seeking Help: If your teen is struggling with substance abuse, it’s essential to seek professional help. Parents, you can support your teens by finding a qualified counselor or treatment program and providing ongoing encouragement and support.

Alcohol and drugs can quickly destroy their health. Keeping them aware of the damage they can do to their bodies is important.

Living a Healthy Life

Maintaining good health is critical for teens as they grow and develop. Here are some life skills that can help teens make informed decisions about their health:

  • Healthy Habits: Encouraging teens to adopt healthy habits can help them build a strong foundation for good health. The best way to help them have healthy habits is by leading by example. This includes having habits like regular exercise, healthy eating, and good hygiene practices.
  • Self-Care: Teenagers often face a lot of stress and pressure, and self-care is essential for maintaining good mental and emotional health. Teach them to take breaks, practice relaxation techniques, and engage in activities that promote self-care.
  • Decision-Making: Young people face many decisions that can impact their health, such as choosing whether or not to engage in risky behaviors. Identify opportunities to show them critical thinking skills, and encourage them to consider the potential consequences of their actions.
  • Accessing Resources: If a teen is struggling with a health issue, it’s essential to know how to access resources and support. Show them how to access healthcare services, find reliable information online, and connect with peer support groups.

Having a healthy life outside of exercising and eating healthy comes from having a strong faith foundation.

Safety & Survival Skills

Teenagers must learn and discuss survival tips for extreme situations because such knowledge can significantly reduce panic and improve their ability to handle emergencies.

By preparing in advance, such as assembling an emergency ‘go’ bag, teens can react more calmly and effectively, thereby enhancing their chances of safety during critical incidents.

This takes the shock out when it happens because they can be mentally prepared and know exactly what to do.

How To Learn First-Aid

Learning basic first-aid skills is super important, and there are some great ways to do it!

One of the best ways is by taking structured courses, like the ones offered by the Red Cross.

These courses are available in lots of big cities and are taught by medical pros who know their stuff.

While watching videos or reading books on your own can help, nothing beats getting hands-on training from experts.

That way, you get to learn everything well and practice it.

Preparing For Natural Disasters

To prepare teens for natural disasters, educators and parents should work together.

Schools can teach safety rules and emergency plans alongside drills.

They should cover different disasters like wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes.

Open discussions at home and in school will help teens be ready to handle disasters confidently.

Building Strong Faith

We believe that developing a strong faith foundation is the most important aspect of their life. All of our teachings and beliefs come from the Bible and what Jesus has done for us.

A solid faith foundation shapes one’s values and beliefs, impacting morals and behaviors. 

Whether or not teens believe in God, everyone has a worldview that shapes their outlook on life.

As parents, we can encourage our teens to develop a strong faith foundation that will guide them throughout their lives.

Here are some ideas to help your teen grow in their faith:

  • Prayer: Encourage your teen to set aside time daily to pray and meditate on God’s Word. This can be a few minutes of quiet reflection or structured prayer or meditation exercises. Over time, they will develop a deeper sense of connection with God, inner peace, and purpose.
  • Bible Study: Studying the Bible allows us to understand who Jesus is and why we are here on this earth. Encourage your teen to read the Bible regularly and explore its teachings. They can also join a Bible study group or attend a class at your church.
  • Serving: Serving the church and community reveals God’s heart for His people. Encourage your teen to find areas where they can serve based on their unique gifts and talents. By giving back, they will develop empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of service.
  • Church: Attending church services, joining a youth group, or going on a retreat or a missions trip can help your teen connect with God and other like-minded people. They can be fed and feed others in the spiritual sense, and develop a deeper understanding of their identity and purpose.
  • Purpose: Encourage your teen to explore their faith and discover how it can guide them in every aspect of their lives. By living with purpose and intention, they will develop a deeper sense of connection with God and a greater understanding of their identity and purpose.

If your teen needs 1 area to focus on. This is it. Focusing on faith will impact their life more than any other life skill.


Equipping your teen with critical life skills is one of the best investments you can make in their future. 

By developing these skills, teens can navigate the challenges of adulthood with confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. 

As parents, as you model healthy behaviors and provide guidance and support to your family, they can learn all of these life skills that will last a lifetime!

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